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The Nordic Countries As a Sustainable Gastronomic Region

The New Nordic Food II programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites you to an exciting and forward-looking workshop in Copenhagen. We would particularly like to meet people who work with food in the fields of development, branding and promotion of the Nordic countries as a gastronomic region as well as those working with food and events which highlight Nordic gastronomy or in the gastronomic tourism industry. The results from the workshop will serve as important input for future work regarding Nordic food as well as for the final report from the New Nordic Food II programme.

When: 8th December at 9am to 4pm
Where: Copenhagen Street Food, Papirøen, Copenhagen

09.00 Welcome to Copenhagen Street Food, coffee and bread. - Short informal presentation of the participants.
09.30 Getting to know more about the day and the participants - facilitated by Ann Hansen, Concept + Competence
10.00 New Nordic Food - project status by Charlotta Ranert & - Case presentation by Dan Husted, Copenhagen Street Food
10.30 Foodies – Who are they and why should we attract them to the Nordic Countries – Ami Hovstadius project Manager Food & Travel VisitSweden
11.00 Short Coffee Break
11.15 Looking at the future: Mega Trends - Food Trends & Up-commings by Birthe Linddal - Senior Scientist af Fremtidsforskeren - Presentation and reflection
12.15 We break for a Street Food lunch
13.00 Trend discussion & and Working with predictions - Food Board scenarios facilitated by Ann Hansen
15.00 Coffee and sweets break
15.30 Wrap up & conclusion - Birthe Linddal and Ann Hansen
16.00 Take off with Waterbus to Nyhavn for drinks at Den Vandrette courtesy of Copenhagen Cooking and Food Organization of Denmark.
18.00 Dinner at Höst, dinner is courtesy of New Nordic Food. Drinks at your own expense.

The overall aim of the workshop is to examine the possible future of the New Nordic Kitchen and its impact on the future of the Nordic countries as sustainable gastronomic regions.

The objectives of the workshop are:
to identify, develop and motivate challenges, to thinking around New Nordic Food and to present possible new solutions. Moreover to create ownership and commitment to the ideas agreed upon in the workshop to ensure maximum dissemination of those.

After the workshop and as part of the programme, a networking get-together will be hosted by Copenhagen Cooking and the Food Organization of Denmark. Location tba.

The New Nordic Food programme invites you to dinner at HÖST, acclaimed Nordic restaurant, on the evening of the 8 December. 

The visionary workshop is arranged by the New Nordic Food II programme in cooperation with Copenhagen Cooking and the Food Organization of Denmark.

For more information, contact Charlotta Ranert, Project Manager, New Nordic Food II, charlotta@If you can see this, please update your 

#NORDICFOOD2024 are a series of vision workshops, which will be about how far we need to go, to realise the vision of the Nordic kitchen in a number of selected areas in 10 years' time. The idea is to invite a group of leading players from across the Nordic region to discuss which activities and visions we should work on in the future, if a stronger Nordic food culture is to be an effective solution for future societal challenges. Read more here