Nordic Food Diplomacy
Nordic Food Diplomacy - culinary experiences for all senses that strengthen the Nordic countries’ unique values, at home and abroad.
Project Manager: Charlotta Ranert, charlotta@
"Nordic Food Diplomacy" is a tool for communication of Nordic values, through the display of food and culinary portrayals for a viewing audience or dinner guests. The expression is used to emphasize the cultural and ideological values in conjunction with other forms of communication. "Nordic Food Diplomacy" can be used for political meals, representative events and export initiatives, along with music, art, lectures, theatrical performances, exhibitions, etc. Nordic Food Diplomacy is a continuation of the project that was launched in spring 2011 under the name "Public Food Diplomacy".
This project is carried out by New Nordic Food II programme together with KreaNord.
Basic information
REPORT (2012)
Pilotprojekt: Nordic Cool 2013, Kennedy Center, Washington D.C. (19.02–17.03)
RAPPORT (will be published later on)
PRESS RELEASE (19.2.2012): Nordic Food Diplomacy in Washington D.C
ARTICLE (19.2.2012): Faroese gastronomy at Nordic Cool
ARTICLE (19.2.2012): Norden får pludselig en identitet - i USA (
ARTICLE (19.2.2012): Kulturminister Jelved - Vi framviser lighed i udlandet (
ARTICLE (15.2.2012): Nordic Cool 2013 takes over the Kennedy Center (The Washington Post)
ARTICLE (8.2.2013): NFD workshop before launching Nordic menu at Kennedy Center
Pilot project: Nordic Star Chefs in Japan (October 2012)
More information about the pilot project here
Pilot project: Nordic Kitchen Party, Cannes (17.5.2012)
RAPPORT (report in Swedish)
Presentation: Nordic Kitchen Party, cannes (2012)
Pilot project: New Nordic Computer Food, San Fransisco (7.3.2012)
RAPPORT (report in Swedish)
Presentation: New Nordic Computer Food, San Fransisco (2012)
Press material Nordic Food Diplomacy
ARTICLE (27.9.2011): Ny projektledare för Nordic Food Diplomacy
BLOG ( 3.1.2012): Nordic Food Diplomacy
BLOG (5.3.2012): NNM utmanar internationella dataspelutvecklares smaklökar
PRESS RELEASE (6.3.2012) : Ny Nordisk Mad med computerspil til San Fransisco
PRESS RELEASE (15.3.2012): Ny Nordisk Mat bröt gränser och rönte succé bland spelutvecklare
PRESS RELEASE (24.5.2012): Nordic Kitchen Party at Cannes
BLOG (29.5.2012): Matturism i Norden
PRESS RELEASE (2.8.2012): New Nordic Food goes Japan
BLOG (12.10.2012): Nordic Star Chefs in Japan
PRESS RELEASE (2.11.2012): Ny Nordisk Mad skal vise verden, hvem vi er i Norden
BLOG (3.12.2012): Nordic Food is the food of the moment
ARTICLE (26.2.2013): Danske ambassader skal servere nordisk mad (
Photo: Louise Jeppesen/