Food & Creative Industries

This project is carried out in collaboration with KreaNord
Project manager: Elisabet Skylare, elisabet@
The aim of the project ”Food and the Creative Industries” (step 2) is to focus on food as art and creative food experiences as a creative industry in itself, but also to transform food and culinary experiences into an active, creative and significant factor when the Nordic countries market other creative industries internationally.
Basic information
REPORT (2012)
PROJECT PLAN: Mat och kreativa näringar 2012
ANALYSE: Nulägesanalys och förslag till fortsatt arbete, step 1 (2010-2011)
Scandinavian Light and Design, Vienna (November 2014)
New Nordic Food at the international food design experience in New Zealand (2-4.7.2014)
Article, pictures
Krealab. Stockholm (16 -17.10.2013)
KreaLab no 1 was not another conference. The purpose was ambitious, to start a process to turn the Nordic countries into the hub of the future. KreaLab no 1 a initiative by KreaNord and Ny Nordisk Mat II
Invitation & program
Press release: How the Nordic countries can become the meeting place of the future
Panel debate STAGE
København (26 .02.2013)
The Nordic Food II panel debate at STAGE concludes that food is a new creative area with great cultural and economic growth potential, often based on cross-creative collaboration. But there are many challenges. It is therefore crucial to continue discussion within the area.
Summary: Creative food is a powerful language (20.3.2013)
Workshop Food & Creative Industries, Copenhagen
Workshop Food & Creative Industries, Helsinki (5-6.9.2012)
On 5-6 September, 2012, New Nordic Food brought together people from the Nordic countries representing the creative industries, who work with food as art, with food and design and with food as a branding tool, for a workshop. This was the starting point for NNF initiating a Nordic network within the area.
Workshop GeneratorKonferensen, Gävle (2012)
The interest in food is great and the area are becoming more important also within the creative industries. Both as reinforcing elements for other creative industries, as well as their own creative industry in itself. The workshop was divided into two parts: Strengthen your brand with creative culinary experiences & food design as performance.
Workshop ‘Point of no Return’, Stokkøya (2-3.09.2012)
The workshop ‘Point of no Return’ was a part of the NNF seminar »A Social Improvement of Quality of Life in Rural Areas: The Importance of Food and Architecture to the Nordic Welfare Model« The workshop was conducted in order to examine the values and criteria that were important to people in city areas, when they considered whether they should move to a rural area. Which kinds of demands do they make, and are they willing to compromise? When is something so important that you simply have to be part of it?
ARTICLE (KreaNord 14.1.2013)
Food & Music: Nordic Sound Bite, London, 2013 - More info here
Food & Fashion: FOOSHION, NDIW, Shanghai, 2013 - More info here
Food & Culture: Nordic Cool, Washington DC 2013 - More info here
Food & Digital: YAIC, Reykjavik 2012 - More info here
Food & Architecture: 'Point of no return', Stokkøya 2012 - More info here
Food & Film: Nordic Kitchen Party, Cannes 2012 - More info here
Food & Game: New Nordic Computer Food, San Fransisco 2012 - More info here
ARTICLE (15.5.2013): Mew and Mum to play the Ja Ja Ja Festival - a celebration of Nordic music, food and film
ARTICLE (18.3.2013): Creative food is a powerful language
ARTICLE (1.3.2013): Foodstock and JA JA JA double the pleasure by combining Nordic food and music
ARTICLE (1.3.2012): På vej med kulturevents og Ny Nordisk Mad
PRESS RELEASE (6.3.2012) : Ny Nordisk Mad med computerspil til San Fransisco
PRESS RELEASE (15.3.2012): Ny Nordisk Mat bröt gränser och rönte succé bland spelutvecklare
PRESS RELEASE (24.5.2012): Nordic Kitchen Party at Cannes
PRESS RELEASE (20.8.2012): Ny nordisk bygd! Ny Nordisk arkitektur! Ny Nordisk Mad!
PRESS RELEASE (1.9.2012): Mad som kreativt værktøj for virksomheden