Nordic cultural heritage & seafood
Conference on Seafood and cultural heritage, part 1, Bergen (6-8 June 2012)
Project manager: Helge Paulsen
The project was realised via the conference on seafood and cultural heritage in Norway. Around 100 people from all over the Nordic region had gathered in Bergen, with representation from universities , museums and public authorities. The object of the conference was to heighten awareness and build knowledge on the cultural history of seafood. Furthermore, to exemplify how a rich cultural heritage can become a resource and build value. Similarities in methods for preservation, cooking and diet between the Nordic countries as well as consumer issues were discussed. The New Nordic Food II programme was represented during the conference and as a result, a second conference , together with Norsk Matkultur, is already planned.
Basic information
RAPPORT (in Swedish)
Workshop Food and meals in the communication of coastal culture and history, Oslo (30-31.10.2012)
Project Manager: Charlotta Ranert,
On the 30 and 31 October 2012, the New Nordic Food programme brought together representatives from a number of coastal museums and maritime attractions in the Nordic countries for a fellow workshop. The workshop, which had sprung from discussions during The Coastal Culture conference in Bergen earlier in the year, had its focus on how to use food and meals as a tool when communicating coastal culture and history. The purpose of the workshop was twofold; to share knowledge, exchange experiences and to network; to discuss how food and food traditions in coastal areas can be a vital part of an engaging communications strategy within the coastal museums.
Basic information
Press material
BLOGG (01.4.2012): Workshop om historisk mat med inspiration från Ny Nordisk Mat