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Food education and Nordic network meeting


At the beginning of September the network for Children, Food and Health in the Nordic countries met to discuss the theme Food Education, Outdoor Education and School Gardens.

The event gathered together about sixty participants in Kristianstad, Sweden. The aim was for the participants to gain inspiration, knowledge and material to be able to increase children's interest in food in an enjoyable, simple and practical way, based on seasonal and locally produced food following the guidelines of New Nordic Food. The event resulted in a initiative of Children's Nordic Kitchen Manifest.

The event was held at the same time as 'Barnens smakdagar' in Kristianstad. Around 1000 children and their teachers came to the national school garden, Hälsoträdgården. They used the garden as a tasting place, a green classroom with exercises to increase their knowledge of food and meals. Swedish chef Tareq Taylor organised a workshop "Outdoor Kitchen" in Hälsoträdgården.


Radioprogram P4 Kristianstad (in Swedish):

Kommunen, Kristianstad (in Swdish):  

More information:

Harriet Strandvik, Project Manager, Children, food and Health in Nordic region, New Nordic Food II, harriet.strandvik@If you can see this, please update your

Children, food and health in Nordic region, webpage


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