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Message in a bottle about children and food


During the celebration of Nordic Day 2 July in Almedale, Visby, the Nordic Ministers for Co-operation received a message in a bottle about New Nordic Food II.

The main message was “Every Nordic child has the right to learn how to cook tasty and healthy food and to come into contact with the fantastic local food culture”.

- It is my wish that can all agree on a strong and sustainable goal, to bring up our children with food, to teach them what ingredients are, to inspire families to begin cooking food again and to fight the growing health and obesity problems together. Children want to be involved and like to cook. Children who learn to cook from scratch have a greater awareness, understanding and respect for nature", says Harriet Standvik, Project Manager NNF II.

- Our mission is to inspire, inform and hopefully create the foundation for a healthier generation which sees the value in good, well-cooked food, both nutritionally and socially", summarises the food expert, Tareq Taylor.

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