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Nordic Children's Kitchen Manifesto


The project "Children and Food in the Nordic Region" is an attractive network of enthusiasts working with children's meals from both the content (nutritional) and educational aspects. We are facing huge challenges with a great deal of overweight and poor health in our target group. It is important to unite and engage those who work with issues concerning children, food and health. The Nordic Children's Kitchen Manifesto summarises our joint work and communicates our common Nordic values.


The manifesto has been drawn up on the initiative of the project "Children and Food in the Nordic Region" (New Nordic Food II) and through joint discussions amongst food educators in Social Media and at the Nordic network meeting in Kristianstad earlier this autumn.

Nordic Children's Kitchen Manifesto
Every Nordic child has the right to learn how to cook good healthy food 

 1. Children's food is nutritious and tasty
 2. Children's food is prepared from pure, local ingredients according to season and tradition
 3. Children's food is ethical and fair
 4. Children's meals are regular
 5. Children's meals have variety
 6. Children's meals activate all the senses
 7. Children are surrounded by examples of good food and meals
 8. Children are involved in the meal preparation - children can!
 9. Children learn different skills and obtain knowledge through shared meals 10. Children have the right to their own tastes and positive experiences with the Nordic food treasures

The Nordic Children's Kitchen Manifesto is based on the manifesto for the new Nordic kitchen promoted by New Nordic Food,

For more information, please contact: Harriet Strandvik, projektledare, Barn, mat och hälsa i Norden, NNM II, harriet.strandvik@If you can see this, please update your 


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